Back to Work - Celebrating Moms and Dads
A father’s love for his baby. Image credit: Carpe Seasons Photography, Minneapolis, MN.
I read once that only 50% of women return to work after having a baby. Priorities and dreams may have shifted after that little one arrived. The expense of daycare is far greater than take home pay, so economically staying home is the better choice. Physically going back to work 4, 6, or 8 weeks after having a baby is not even feasible (don’t get me started on this fundamental problem in our society).
For fathers, there is an expectation that he won’t care to leave his baby as much as the mom. Men don’t have the same emotions as women, ergo he should be willing to go back to work without a second thought. The rhetoric: He didn’t give birth did he? These sentiment are just as ridiculous as our nation’s family leave policies (spoiler alert, there is none). Fathers, or other family members, are just as important as mothers in the caregiving journey. If you don’t believe me, check out the hundreds of posts on Reddit where fathers share how sad they are to leave their little. (While you’re at it, check out this podcasts about parental benefits around the world).
So how can we help support the working parents of the world? First, and foremost, we can all advocate for a nationwide family leave policy. Look to some of the other first world countries that have federalized programs that support parents either in leave or in care packages sent home in preparation of, or after the baby arrives. #callyoursenator #callyourrep #familyleaveforall
Second, support the working parents in your life by respecting any choice they make. Whether it to be pausing their careers or going back. Each journey is unique and life is an evolving tapestry.
Lastly, recognize the moment and feelings involved. Maybe your friend is dreading going back. Maybe your daughter is so excited to get back to the career she loves. Maybe your son is feeling sad that they didn’t get the time they wanted or sad to leave their little behind. Show them your love and support with a special note, flowers, or one of our gift boxes. There is no more powerful love than holding a space for their feelings by telling them that you love them, support them, and feel with them.
How did you recognize your friend or family member’s return to work? Leave us a message below to tell us your favorite ways to support the working parents in your live or how you’re changing the world one call to your senator at at time. Thanks! Much Love - Katie