Inspirational Quotes for Mom

Inspirational Quotes for Mom


Motivate, inspire, encourage and celebrate the mother in your life with a set of four powerful quotes.

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What’s inside?

Each set comes with four inspiring quotes certain to boost her confidence and instill strength. Printed on heavy card stock, these 4x6 cards fit perfectly into a frame or A4 envelope. Left with a blank back for you to add your own special message or uplifting thought. Minnesota designed and made.

Choose from two sets:

  • Courage set - perfect for the working mom with quotes from Tina Fey, C.S. Lewis, A.A. Milne, and Jill Churchill

  • Good Mom set - powerful for any mom, working or stay-at-home! With quotes from Amelia Earhart, Heather Stillufsen, and Rachel Martin.

Sorry, cards are sold in a set and can’t be individually exchanged with others.

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